
"Antique Quilts are hugs from the past" They are my passion, fact is I AM A QUILT-A-HOLIC AND PROUD OF IT. If you want to e-mail me it is quiltladyIII@aol.com and please do leave a comment. Also check out my Flickr account - http://www.flickr.com/photos/delainegatelyquilts/

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wow 2010 was great 2011 is a new year full of hope

I have trouble with it being 2011, seems like it was just yesterday and we were preparing for the Y2K's pending disaster, that never happened. Now it has been ten years and doom has not arrived in my life. 2010 has been one of the best years I have ever had. I'm sure some of our unemployed fellow citizens feel that it is dooms day. To have your home in jeopardy and not know where your family is going to live must be the worst experience a family could go through, excluding death.
Facing death always takes first place in the heart break category. The death of a loved one is final, there is no second chance, no wait a minute, we are not ready, death rules. With out faith it must be the blackest place on earth, because even with faith the pain of loss is so heavy on the soul, it is like an elephant on your chest, you suddenly understand what heart ache is, your heart actually hurts. I speak from experience and it is a hard walk, but it is a walk all of us must go through in life. It would be nice if we are the only one who dies in our life time, but it does not work that way. Everyone, well just about everyone has the capacity to love, we are wired that way by God. We are to love one another, that is the most important commandant if we do nothing else we must love and the more you love the harder it is to loss your love. There is a good chance you will loss a loved one in our life. It is part of our walk we will all experience it, how we handle it is our measure of faith. Faith some call it "The conscienceness of God" I call it faith, it gives life meaning, and the assurance that there is more to our existence then just a life on earth, we are here to love and share our faith with each other. When we walk in faith the sting of death will not break us, we will go on because we know there is life after death and the loved ones we have lost are now with God and they wait for us. We will all be together in God's house forever. That belief that faith has carried me through my grief and I have found a peace with in my grief.
As the years fly by and my family draws near for the Christmas season, I visualize the ones I loved so dearly standing with us as we join hands and thank God for the last year and ask for his protection in the coming year. I find I have been a better person for having loved, even with the pain of loss I would not have missed their love and the experience of knowing and loving them. The time we were together made my life sweeter, and I thank God for that time. No one can ever replace my mother, but the memory of her love for me will sustain me until we meet again, and I know I will meet her and the many others I had the privilege to know and love, yes I will be with them again.
So friends love each other in this new year, 2011, hold on to your faith. If you do not have faith seek the truths of the Bible let God speak to your heart, he will guide you to "that peace that passes all understanding" it is a real peace and it comes with faith. So be happy and have a very Happy 2011

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Leaves of God Fall 2009

My seasons have flown by so fast
I can hardly remember the details of my budding
I bloomed far too early forced by natures call
The flower of my youth stolen
My spring lost

I could not hold my bloom
As fruit required all my time
That season of summer went so fast
Consumed by my fruit youth slipped away
Never to swing freely in the warm summers breeze
I held fast lest my fruit should fall

Hot summer days turn to chilly nights
My fruit now ripe hear falls call
They release to face their own unknown
I watch as they fall free
My branches lift from their weight
I stand-alone the crisp air begins to blow

Indian summer comes with new love
I bask in the crisp sun light
My beauty is seen and shared
With the bloom of crimson leaves
My golden years begin

Too soon, I see my skin begin to shrivel
Youths golden beauty slips into grey
My hold on the tree of life seems futile
The frost of winter comes so fast
I hold tight lest I fall

So many leaves are falling
I watch as they let go one by one
My winter is here my time has come
The cold ground awaits my fall

The snows of winter cover my memory
Yet the family tree still stands
Spring will come
New leaves will unfold
The seasons of life begins again

Edmonds Ferry to Kingston

Edmonds Ferry to Kingston