I need to vent, this of course is not politically correct but it is how I see it and I can not hold this in I have watched how our society has deteriorated and how God's principles are denied everyday in our media, now we are all shocked and dismayed about this horrendous act and we all ask why? how did we get to this?
Knowing that there is evil walking shoulder to shoulder with our children everyday, has become so real to each of us; what do we do to protect ourselves and the innocent? How do we stop it from exploding and doing it's evil on innocent people who are doing their everyday activities?
Who knew in their gut that this boy was dangerous surely someone knew he was a menus and was dangerous to those around him. Did the mother turn her head, and not face the reality of who her son was. So many questions, so many warning signs ignored, how do we become more pro-active?
At this point in America the young criminal's rights are more important than the law abiding innocent citizens and their children's.
In this society that does not acknowledge evil, but blames the actions of a young predators, on other influences, stating that he has been injured by others. Personal responsibility is not required, Citizens in this progressive society do not acknowledge sin, evil or possible possession by demeans, Satan or even Hell; because they are not connected to God's principles. Any thought of God in our schools inspires law suits that are judged in favor of the lawless who deny the presence of God or the mention of God in our schools.
Mental illness is blamed on additions, parents and everything other than the fact that there are people who are not socially adjusted and are not able to function in society without endangering the lives of others. They must be held and restrained for the protection of others, but no their rights supersede the rights of the innocent victims of their wrath.
We need to teach Godly principles in the schools along with personal responsibility for our actions. Judges who turn the other cheek and ignore the reality of the violent nature of the young perpetrator's actions and they release them back into society. Sending them back into the school system because it is their right to go to school, ignores the fact that they will hurt others sooner or later. They are releasing these dangerous people back into our communities and neighborhoods, they always give the young criminals a slap on the hand and turn them loose on society to work out their problems without any acknowledgement of the need to change the hearts of these young criminal's. Spiritual teaching is a tool that changes the hearts of the cruel and mean spirited people, whether they are young and old. but it is not allowed in our schools.
God's word changes the heart and gives a meaning to kindness to others, it teaches the lessons of the bible, it teaches personal responsibility.
There are thousands of non-union teachers, mentor's Godly members in our communities that could take up the slack and become mentors to these young heathens. It is not allowed, "no" Christian principles, the Jewish teachings of the Torah and other religious leaders are banded from schools not allowing them to teach the principles of God. The children who are members of families who do not attend church never hear, "Thou shall not kill","Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or "thou shall not steal" "turn the other cheek" and that "God will punish those who sin and do harm to others" no everything must be politically correct.
The Godless rule over faith and goodness and there is no punishment for bad behavior...The mean and cruel kids are put back into the class rooms with innocent children, because it is the "law". This leaves the innocent venerable to the influence of the bad seed.
This is crazy these children need to separated from the innocent and given in depth training or containment before they can return to the class rooms.. The troubled child must not be allowed to continue to develop into a killer. If they continue to develop these criminal behaviors then they must be institutionalized to protect the innocent people who live their lives as law abiding citizens in our society. They must not be released into our communities to do their Godless deeds, our innocent and aged citizens must be protected. That means we have to change our ways and acknowledge evil when we see it and take action against it to protect the innocent.
My heart breaks when I think of the empty beds these little ones once filled with joy and giggles and their parents and families who are now struggling to cope. You never get over the lose of a child, a mother carries that grief to her grave, as well as those fathers and siblings, their lives will never be the same. Will yours?
Will you remember these innocent defenceless souls? Are you going to fight for or against gun rights? "Guns are not the problem". Will you speak up and get our school regulations changed so that troubled children are not put in with innocent children, did you know that when a young sex offender is transferred to another school his or her records are kept secret, the offenders rights supersede the rights of the other children and their parents.
You do not house wolves with the lambs, today the rights of wolves are more important then our lambs. If a child is incorrigible why should we be forced to have that child be in the same room as the well behaved child. Oh my goodness I could go on and on but the bottom line is we can no longer turn our backs when we see a problem child; somebody knew that young man was dangerous and they did nothing. Or was it that they could do nothing, that is what has to be changed, we have to change the way we think about evil and the mentally ill. We must act accordingly to protect our society, it was not the guns that killed these people it was a mentally deranged young man, a Godless man, an evil man, a coward of a man who choose to attack the defenceless. He went into a school where guns were not allowed knowing there would be no one armed to protect the innocent he knew he would be able to do his deed without resistance and when there was resistance he like the coward he was killed himself. It was too late to save those little angels to late to save the innocent.
Are we going to just put this aside and forget or are we going to stand up and say no more, no more.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Cataract Surgery a success yahoo
I now have 20/20 vision I will just need reading glasses for up close, It was a scary procedure but when the Doctor said a prayer before It settled me down along with the little pill they gave me; all in all it was a good experience. I also see brighter and pink colors, when only one eye had the surgery when I covered it up the colors where yellow green the new eye could see the pink in the walls. y quilts should be full of color. i just finished a child's quilt in flannel, I made two the smaller one I did my trial and error quilting it looked so nice and soft, so I decided to wash it to see how it would wash, it balled up and faded and just does not look good, I have half a mind not to give away but I do not have time to make another one, I have not worked with flannel for a long time and I forgot I will try to remember never again. You learn something everyday, I just WISH I would know the lesson before I cut the fabric, don't we all?
Friday, November 23, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Out from my past
Three months ago my 2nd cousin left a message on my face book asking if I was a Stafford, my limited working knowledge of facebook caused me to miss the message it was send in Sept, I just found it, I have send a contact but so far no answer. Dang I hope I did not miss a chance to connect....Say a little pray for me, My family is very small and I feel a bit deprived when I see large families having reunions our family is so small.
We have wonderful tools available to search out our genealogy, maybe he knows some wonderful news flashes about our ancestors. I can not stay off the computer, I keep checking and re-cheking in hopes he will contact me oh this is so exciting.
We have wonderful tools available to search out our genealogy, maybe he knows some wonderful news flashes about our ancestors. I can not stay off the computer, I keep checking and re-cheking in hopes he will contact me oh this is so exciting.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Taking things for granted
Eye sight, and friends well our lives are so hurried and busy that we forget just how important these every day gifts are to our well being. I have just gone through cataract surgery both eyes, a week apart. Those first few days when I was unable to see well enough to do anything made me sit down and ponder some of the many blessings I have. They are many and family and health are first then friends. I am blessed with a wonderful diverse family each one is different and special to me. we all do not agree on everything but that makes for good conversations and verbal intercourse(I love that saying because it is true our words connect us)anyway taking time to have quiet talks with each member of my family is getting harder and harder, they are so busy and setting aside time for one on one conversation is medicine for our soul. I need that as well as everybody else we need to touch each other and walk and talk together. Our life styles are not set up for that kind of connection...Our young and old are always texting this one and that but to me it is connecting but in a very superficial way our inner spirits do not connect in a text. Walking, talking, hearing the other persons voice and just sitting together without speaking these are true connections they give us time to share our feelings and to connect we need this for our inner being we need it like we need food. It takes time out of the hurry burly life we lead, but it is essential for our inner growth. I know it is something we have to work at setting aside time to just be together. I call it one on one time A long time ago I realized when the family came together the children played with each other and I never got a chance to spend time with each grandchild. So I established G-Mom's One On One time with each child I spent one hour we would just walk and talk or maybe sit on a rock and watch a bird. nothing earth shattering just a quiet time together.
I have gotten off the tract a bit but having my eyes not working together and being oh my gosh not able to thread a needle was very thought provoking experience so with the holidays coming I am going to make a special effort to make time for some one on one time with my family and friends ......................We had a special party for my Granddaughter Ashley, she came for a pre- holiday visit, here are a few of the pictures. It never fails after the party is over I realize that I did not get everyone, at least good shots of everyone I did get a clear shot of the "turkey rolls" we will surely remember those in the years to come.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
two facebook accts
I have two facebook accountsts one with out my picture and one without I use the one with and I can not for the life of me disc/cancel the one without my picture---this is driving me crazy--does anyone know how to do it --I had cataract surgery today but I have not taken off the patch--yes I am afraid but the hour is near I will let you all know soon....DG
Sunday, October 7, 2012
AT Tahoe Lake
The altitude is 8000' and I am experiencing altitude sickness weak and short of breath. It is so beautiful I want to go hiking so bad but all I can do is walk ever so slowly. I did go to the casino walked in the door sat down at the first penny machine played a ten for a hour in a half got up to
$ 53.00 and finally back down to 2 cents, so I took my 2 cents moved to another machine and won .30 so I played it all and walked back to the condo with $49.61 not bad for two hours work.
Other than my not feeling good and you look beyond the crowds Tahoe brings back so many happy memories my parents had a home up here for a couple of years I guess you say "back in the day" it was not so crowded and the building in every inch of land of so many motels and shops had not happened it was not the same. The air is crisp and the feel of the place is the same I have heard the wind moving through the sugar pines, it is just a magical place. I imagine what it must have been like when only the Indians and animal lived here, oh it is just awesome. The salmon are running at the mouth of the Truckee river that feeds into the lake and the bears are seen all the time there was one walking around the pool area this morning I just missed him, dang I would have loved to see him of course I would not have had my camera. Another high point of the trip we went to Carson City they have a wonderful museum we spent the morning there, the history of this country is all tied up with gold and silver even today the Comstock mine is working day and night driving to Virginia City is like a drive in Logging county the trucks make the roads so dangerous.
Well we are off to a walk in the woods and I have my camera.
$ 53.00 and finally back down to 2 cents, so I took my 2 cents moved to another machine and won .30 so I played it all and walked back to the condo with $49.61 not bad for two hours work.
Other than my not feeling good and you look beyond the crowds Tahoe brings back so many happy memories my parents had a home up here for a couple of years I guess you say "back in the day" it was not so crowded and the building in every inch of land of so many motels and shops had not happened it was not the same. The air is crisp and the feel of the place is the same I have heard the wind moving through the sugar pines, it is just a magical place. I imagine what it must have been like when only the Indians and animal lived here, oh it is just awesome. The salmon are running at the mouth of the Truckee river that feeds into the lake and the bears are seen all the time there was one walking around the pool area this morning I just missed him, dang I would have loved to see him of course I would not have had my camera. Another high point of the trip we went to Carson City they have a wonderful museum we spent the morning there, the history of this country is all tied up with gold and silver even today the Comstock mine is working day and night driving to Virginia City is like a drive in Logging county the trucks make the roads so dangerous.
Well we are off to a walk in the woods and I have my camera.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The weather has been great, but I fear our flora and fona needs water our ground here on the hill is very porous we do not get mud puddles or standing water, that is unless the Shoomchuck River floods then the field fills and we have a nice duck pond for a few days, other wise any rain water is quickly absorbed so surface water for our trees and shrubs depends on the rain. I am sure the rains will come but isn't lovely all this warn sunshine. Our plums are ready and today I made plum butter which seems like syrup so maybe I made plum syrup I seasoned it with lavender, it gives a interesting flavor to my butter/syrup.
Jerry has been busy making little tables for our neighbor's daughters who are getting married they were just little girls when they moved in; three beauties they became and the traffic on our drive increased when the boys were old enough to drive, now that they have grown and are on their own our old road is slowly returning to pre-Hemley girls traffic.
I have been sitting here watching the moon set casting it's glow across the water and it looked like this picture I took earlier this week of a hazy sunset. I also made a couple more prayer flags they are fun to make simple little futzes but fun. My current project is putting the exchange Christmas blocks together, it is beginning to take shape turns out to be bigger than the throw I had envisioned I ended up with twenty 12 1/2 in blocks by the time I get the sash on it will be a twin.
It is five AM I tried to go to sleep but could not so I got up I can not see laying there awake and doing nothing so hopefully I will get sleepy soon and can get some sleep.
Jerry has been busy making little tables for our neighbor's daughters who are getting married they were just little girls when they moved in; three beauties they became and the traffic on our drive increased when the boys were old enough to drive, now that they have grown and are on their own our old road is slowly returning to pre-Hemley girls traffic.
I have been sitting here watching the moon set casting it's glow across the water and it looked like this picture I took earlier this week of a hazy sunset. I also made a couple more prayer flags they are fun to make simple little futzes but fun. My current project is putting the exchange Christmas blocks together, it is beginning to take shape turns out to be bigger than the throw I had envisioned I ended up with twenty 12 1/2 in blocks by the time I get the sash on it will be a twin.
It is five AM I tried to go to sleep but could not so I got up I can not see laying there awake and doing nothing so hopefully I will get sleepy soon and can get some sleep.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Apples & google what a life
I have changed my google account password daily for about a week, I do not know what is wrong or how to fix it...At the moment I believe it is fixed but my gut says next time I log in I will have trouble again,. Anyone else having trouble???Wow I refuse to pass it off to my age, but I am beginning to suspect something mysterious is sabotaging my brain what ever it is it is nice to be back on my blog.
These warm sunny days are wonderful I worry about me trees, are they getting enough water etc etc so each day I am out there making sure each one has a bit,,,The apple trees are heavy with fruit,. We have already made apple sauce,four pies and four packages of apples ready to make pie. This is our first attempt at freezing the apples all cut and ready for pie. I hope they work, well even soft apples make good pie right? Now I have my apples picked for apple butter, I am also going to attempt Plum butter with maybe a little lavender as spice sounds good to me Jerry is a bit pensive and wrinkles his noise but we will try it anyway...We will be canning for some time now as the apple trees do not all drop at the same time, our winter hard apples will not be ready for at least a month they are the last to drop....As for the pears there just is not enough to can last year was a bumper crop but not this year. The plums are so heavy on the tree that I am worried about the branches breaking, Jerry has put some poles up but the tree is so heavy it is impossible to do them all.
Now the freezer is getting very full Jerry has also picked about 3 gallons of black berries for syrup I am hoping to get a pie out of the deal but for now it is syrup first. pie later. It sure is nice to have a helper in the kitchen at canning time it has it's draw backs also--Jerry is a big guy and when he is at the sink there is no room for me it is a true test of our wills to work together it just is not in our make up to work together I guess love is a big factor in our getting along, without it well it would not be pretty.
Hey you all how about a comment once in awhile I just love them.
These warm sunny days are wonderful I worry about me trees, are they getting enough water etc etc so each day I am out there making sure each one has a bit,,,The apple trees are heavy with fruit,. We have already made apple sauce,four pies and four packages of apples ready to make pie. This is our first attempt at freezing the apples all cut and ready for pie. I hope they work, well even soft apples make good pie right? Now I have my apples picked for apple butter, I am also going to attempt Plum butter with maybe a little lavender as spice sounds good to me Jerry is a bit pensive and wrinkles his noise but we will try it anyway...We will be canning for some time now as the apple trees do not all drop at the same time, our winter hard apples will not be ready for at least a month they are the last to drop....As for the pears there just is not enough to can last year was a bumper crop but not this year. The plums are so heavy on the tree that I am worried about the branches breaking, Jerry has put some poles up but the tree is so heavy it is impossible to do them all.
Now the freezer is getting very full Jerry has also picked about 3 gallons of black berries for syrup I am hoping to get a pie out of the deal but for now it is syrup first. pie later. It sure is nice to have a helper in the kitchen at canning time it has it's draw backs also--Jerry is a big guy and when he is at the sink there is no room for me it is a true test of our wills to work together it just is not in our make up to work together I guess love is a big factor in our getting along, without it well it would not be pretty.
Hey you all how about a comment once in awhile I just love them.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Red hat luncheon
We had a great time at the Canterwood dinning room service was great and everyone enjoyed their lunch.
S T I T C H is at it again
Barbara's first time with mono chromatic colors |
Have you ever seen Elenor Peace Bailey speak? she is so relaxed and full of whimsy, a great story teller and creative in all ways kind of gal. Well she is retiring and we (Gig Harbor Quilters) were honored to have her with us for three days, Weds she spoke at our regular meeting and then had her first class Thursday, and a second on Friday...I attended theguild meeting and first day class and it was so much fun, she inspires creativety, one thing she did was the faces of some of our dolls, mine is Charlotte of Canterwood, she is not as wild and crazy as the others but she is a bit too sophisticated for the usual Elenor crowd. anyway there was something for everybody especially lots of fun.
We had a great time with Elenor
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