We were gone for two weeks and there is so much I want to write about. I used over 700 minutes on my cell phone because of a medical emergency here in Washington, my dearest friend Ethel Johnson fell and had a massive heart attack, actually we do not really know what came first, it was a horrific week. My daughters stood in for me and they were wonderful staying the night and rotating coverage so someone was with her and helping her in her final walk, the stress and her heart would not allow for recovery and she passed Monday morning the 7th. A bright shiny star has stepped into heaven, she will be missed by all who knew her. Even in her weakened state she still smiled right up to the end, she was a special friend and everyone who knew her is saddened by her loss. We are making plans for her service this coming Saturday.
Family and friends are our treasures here on earth, they bring so much into our lives making hard times not so bad because they are there to support and comfort us...They enrich our lives,
I have lost several good friends quite a few actually but having known them was so special I thank God I had them as long as I did. How empty life would be without friends and a loving family...There is so much unhappiness out there, values are distorted, loyalty and honesty is hard to come by but when you have a true friend the world changes for the better. I hear those who lament about not having children or grandchildren and I say adopt some there are people out there that are lonely and would love to have you as a friend, when we first moved up here from California we had no family we found another couple who also shared our dilemma they had no family here so we got together and shared some of the best Holidays ever, those first Christmases in Washington were wonderful and I carry the memories to this day. There is so much to gain by sharing your time and self with someone who is alone. Yes, it is another one of my truisms that "when you reach out to someone, you get so much more than you can ever give", it is one of Gods blessings and we have opportunities around us everyday, It just takes a smile, an invite and gift of self and love grows. Friendship begins with a smile and Ethel really knew how to smile she was so dear to me and my family we will miss her because she was one of ours she was family, and she loved us that was her gift to us...I will talk about this more later Please let me know what you think about this blog, share your thoughts please leave a comment.
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Leaves of God Fall 2009
My seasons have flown by so fast
I can hardly remember the details of my budding
I bloomed far too early forced by natures call
The flower of my youth stolen
My spring lost
I could not hold my bloom
As fruit required all my time
That season of summer went so fast
Consumed by my fruit youth slipped away
Never to swing freely in the warm summers breeze
I held fast lest my fruit should fall
Hot summer days turn to chilly nights
My fruit now ripe hear falls call
They release to face their own unknown
I watch as they fall free
My branches lift from their weight
I stand-alone the crisp air begins to blow
Indian summer comes with new love
I bask in the crisp sun light
My beauty is seen and shared
With the bloom of crimson leaves
My golden years begin
Too soon, I see my skin begin to shrivel
Youths golden beauty slips into grey
My hold on the tree of life seems futile
The frost of winter comes so fast
I hold tight lest I fall
So many leaves are falling
I watch as they let go one by one
My winter is here my time has come
The cold ground awaits my fall
The snows of winter cover my memory
Yet the family tree still stands
Spring will come
New leaves will unfold
The seasons of life begins again