
"Antique Quilts are hugs from the past" They are my passion, fact is I AM A QUILT-A-HOLIC AND PROUD OF IT. If you want to e-mail me it is quiltladyIII@aol.com and please do leave a comment. Also check out my Flickr account - http://www.flickr.com/photos/delainegatelyquilts/

Monday, September 29, 2014

Gately Gathering

What a perfect day for gathering down at Steamboat Island club house
Jerry's sister and husband have a place just down the road, it is a bit small for this group so the club house is perfect.  What a day, what wonderful food and the company was soft and comfortable, a nice time was had by all.

Then came the food, pulled pork, salmon, five salads breads and buns beans and to top it off pie.  Peach, apple, pecan, wild black berry served with ice cream good thing it was all natural and low calorie,  Well someone said it was low calorie surely it was.             The next Generation

Harbor seals napping

 great food all in all it was a great day.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lovely week of Sun and hard work

To start.
Jerry has started the major work on our leak problem in the basement bedroom, seems the two torrential down pours we had the last two months were more than our gutters could handle.  It actually bent them, they failed thus flooding into the window well, down the inside wall to the carpet pads and all.  I discovered it while making the bed bare foot wet carpet is easy to identify when bare foot.
My hero has worked so hard and of course our insurance does not cover it, how lucky can we be.
The fun part was my pals at Pal came for a painting day sadly the sun was not cooperating but they were able to product some lovely pictures. only four came because of the weather but I must say they inspired me to try to start painting.

Randy looked so relaxed with pen and brush in hand
Feather went for the barn and bird houses
Eilene is new to the area, she did the barn
and some lovely flowers--All in all they
never saw the Olympics but they seemed to
have a good time -- Ann fell for one of our old apple trees--I loved seeing them work.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I was shot in the back--the pain is better not gone but better

I am able to sleep in the bed the last few days, I have slept in the chair for so long I am not sure which I like the best.  Jerry's aunt Ester loved her recliner and had it moved into her room at the rehab center, I thought it was funny but now I understand; you see when your lower back is in spasm and the pain is night and day, those chairs are life sent.  We have two Stressless chair/recliners they are the best I am budgeting now for a third one, however my sister-in-law says ours are not the good ones, but she does not tell what the good ones are.  I can not imagine a better chair then the Stressless we have now, we love ours .  I believe we would buy one if they only came in hot pink.
Forty days of sunshine wow it has been a great summer, our trees are showing signs of stress from lack of water, and I have been lazy and not dragging the hose from pillar to post this is a big yard Jerry does not want me to water near the house and I am not doing it like it should be done, oh for a sprinkler system; We are getting older taking care of this property is getting to be a problem.

Now I go out to the ''Apple tree of Meditation'', it is a very old tree planted probably in the 1920's; it had a great hole in the v of the tree when Jerry moved in; he did the old fashion, digging it out and filled it with cement the tree was saved and it continues to gift us with many wonderful apples.  They make the best apple pie ever. Today I will gaze up into it's very mystical branches, it is a wonderful experience.  For me to push back in my chaise and gaze into the branches I find it magical, well it is truly an afternoon delight.  It inspires poetry and day dreams as a magic nap moves into my mind and I slip into another realm.

Edmonds Ferry to Kingston

Edmonds Ferry to Kingston