Thursday, May 22, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Port Townsend Wearable Art show was great, being a part of it was wonderful
How does one describe one of the best times in one's life. I will hold the memories close and shall return to them often, where does one begin. I knew it was going to be a special time because four of my children were going to be there with me. My son Steven who wrote and played my music, that alone was such a joyous gift for a mother to receive, but I was also blessed with my three daughters joining me, yahoo. We had two rooms one on the second floor and one on the third floor with balcony's over looking the sound, ferry docks, and marina entrance so we saw boats of all kinds going in and out what fun.. that was just the beginning.
There were, to be two shows, well the shows sold out and people were pleading for tickets so the dress rehearsal became show three, what fun, what work and there were long waiting periods for us models and artist, those waiting times were filled with conversations and laughter with the models and artist which I was both, make-up, hair, food and waiting putting on your costume and taking it off because they were so complicated and warm it was hard work for us artist and models. What an honor to be part of this wonderful show but it was hard work after each show I was beyond tired but my dear children took such good care of me. I had foot rubs naps and good food and continuous chatter, laughter and love it was wonderful.
A lots of hurry up and wait but it was energized and exciting.
The lady in Black 1st place crocheted CD tape
She was tall and beautiful WOW
A lot of the models were professional with dance skills, well I was feeling lucky to be able to walk, but something magic happened each time I stepped out on the that runway, I was energized and the audience seemed to love me they cheered and clapped and yahoo's it was so exciting I cannot even describe how thrilling it was. The energy was electric I danced down the runway feeling like I was someone special, and I was uplifted and encouraged what a rush. Wow it was wonderful...My interview in the Leader, the local paper was front page another big wow I just am so over whelmed by all of it, mere words cannot truly describe just how wonderful it was everybody (40 of us) worked hard and through it all there was only one person who was rude, I feel she was dealing with something outside of the event because she was so out of place, she was invisible to all around her. I felt so bad for her, but she was too touchy to reach out to; there was no time for that negative stuff; with all those happy beautiful women together, they were all so positive she did not matter. Anyway I could go on and on.
Port Townsend is a mecca for art and talent and as much fun as it was I can't imagine doing it again, I think I am too old; then again when I hit that walkway I was special and fleet of foot I danced, winked and flirted and it was so much fun. Thank you Port Townsend and my dear children you gave me a memory I will never forget.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Jerry and I went to the Mall Tacoma today, and I realize it has been possibly seven years since I was there. You see they have moved Nordstrom's. Oh my gosh has it really been that long? As we walked between Macy's and Nordstrom's there were so many stores I have never even heard of, it was quite a eye opener. Looking at the store windows the clothes were beyond anything I would ever wear, I am old but not dead. The reason we went was I wanted some new leather low heel boots, my low back would not allow my great old boots work any longer, they had neat two inch princess heels and I loved them but this year I just could no longer wear them.. So off to the Mall. It was a lovely day with my sweet heart. We went to our favorite Italian restaurant then B & R before crossing the bridge. We went to Goodwill and checked out the books, I found some great books on Women, Soul work and poetry these long winter dreary days will be filled with writing so a new journal has begun. All in all it was a nice day with my sweetheart.
I Am Woman
I dance to a music found deep within my soul
A song God sang to me
before my birth
A song of joy ingrain in
my core given to me to share
A song of love and
patience and a gift of giving
A song of pride and
knowledge of my beauty within
I was made to create
life and bring art into this world
I was made to share my
beauty and gifts with all
I am woman I feel God’s
music in my soulI
1. First each participant is to make a 16in square with the same tone/color backing, blue, teal or lavender.(The top 3 rows are unbroken, bottom broken)
2. She is to make a large flower on this backing the flower must be large and centered. the colors of choice are red, pink fuchsia and yellow with the center of the flower centered at the center of the square. mind you only use the four colors.
3. This square is then quartered and the maker gives thre three new quarters one quarter for each square he makes
4.The four new pierces are traded off.
5. Now the member is the one who will put together the new stars/flower; she will also bead and embellish her parts to make them look wonderful.
Here is a sample of 1 16 in squares then the fun begins.
These ladies were sure talented and it is just what our group has been looking for.
OREGON TRIP the weather was touchy but we had a great time and the views were spectacular--Son Ernie and his children Hailey and Wyatt went with us. We had such fun checked out museums and galleries Wyatt had a great time at the Lewis and Clark museum he earned a badge .
Cabin right on the beach, clean and comfortable
Do you see what I saw they are loving wow
I good time was had by all
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