
"Antique Quilts are hugs from the past" They are my passion, fact is I AM A QUILT-A-HOLIC AND PROUD OF IT. If you want to e-mail me it is quiltladyIII@aol.com and please do leave a comment. Also check out my Flickr account - http://www.flickr.com/photos/delainegatelyquilts/

Monday, December 28, 2009

It is funny how fast the holidays fly when you are trying to get everything for everybody and trying to make sure nothing is forgotten, yet there is always that last dash to the store for some special ingredient, oh the holidays I love them. I love having my house full of family and friends the sound of children running around the house and the sweet little voices asking if it is time to open presents. Those last frantic hours were tiring and once the party began in four hours it was over. The good byes and kisses prayers for safety and then silence. I have to admit the last two days I have been in my robe all day, the left overs have kept us fed and movies held our attention between naps. Tomorrow will be different I will get up early and go to town shopping is hard work and I must rest up. New Years will be quiet I will take some sparklers out on the deck while Jerry sleeps and hoop a la the new year in alone as usual, then hop into bed with cold feet and remind my love it is the new New Year. My heart breaks when Jerry takes down the lights, I just hate it when we go back to everyday life. The Christmas tree well that is different
I put it up and I take it down if I please, last year I did not take it down and what a breeze it was getting ready for the festivities. I am still pondering whether to take it down or not, I polished all the crystal ornaments so the tree does sparkle, I will let you know later whether I take it down or not for now it stays and I will light it every night if I please until I am tired of it. So for now cuddle up and keep warm and have a Happy New Year

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas coming fast

Christmas seems to sneak up on you until the 9th then it goes into warp speed, the flu is dropping family members like over ripe apples off a tree. As I write there are 3 down, it is always a worry when the little ones start running 103+ temps and they are so lethargic poor Mommies and Dads .
For the older set we are fairing well, and planning a bash on the 20th for the whole family plus friends, I guess that means we will have to clean house, well at least clear the hall ways, seems I am leaving debris in the halls; Jerry is always neat if he leaves anything it is always neatly folded then piled in odd places, thank goodness he is neat this place would be a disaster if he was not.
For so many the Holidays bring memories of loss, why is it so many family and friends die during the Christmas season, are we just more aware or is this a seasonal curse? I pray for the ones left behind and hope they can let go of the pain and find joy with the family and friends. My theory is if you do not have family here for the Holidays adopt them or let someone adopt you there is too much sadness going around. We all have to pull together to help bring some sunshine into the lives of those alone during this season of lights. Do not take " no " for an answer, if they will not come out, go to them take some special food, talk to them about their grief, share their grief and help them come out their disparaging depression...Yes it takes time and this time of year does not allow much time but there is a magic that happens when you give time to others somehow you find you still have time for yourself. The magic of giving, yes there is a magic and this time of year it is there for you, so try it, find the magic and the promise of love shared. Isn't that what this season is all about. Give love, not pain, there is so much to gain; wow is that poetic or what?
We are all in this thing called" life" together, reach out and start a chain reaction of love.
Look at how much of an impact was made by the thousands who stood with the families of those fallen Officers, something good will come from that "sharing of love and concern" it will change hearts, and change the way we look at those who serve and protect, that negative event will bring a positive reaction, and I want to be part of that action. God bless America.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas

This season holds much sadness in my heart, we lost four of our finest, shot down in cold blood.
I think about what Christmas will be like for their families from this year on memories of lost loves, the pain of grieving returns with the season. There is always a death of someone close during the holidays it just seems to happen, but this was different these good people were shot down by a man crazed with hate for law and order. The fact they were white justified the hate; there seems to be a deep under current of hate from our fellow black people. I know this is only a few but their numbers seem to be growing, their young are being taught to hate and they know every hip hop song by heart but do not know the Constitution or why America is free and they are not proud to be Americans. God bless them, they do not understand they are blessed to be Americans. I know there are many conservative noble black men and women who are going against the tide of hate and struggle to be heard; they are out numbered by ignorance and hate. We must stand with them and do everything we can to change this evolutionary trend by being involved in our schools and communities and by making sure we are teaching patriotism and love of country. We are Americans first, not Nordic, White or Black Americans we are" AMERICANS" first, our race tells where we came from not where we are.
This will be a sad Christmas for so many; lets each one of us set a goal to help someone in need and to reach out to our neighbors no matter their race. No matter what your religion is the truths Christ taught are as relevant today as they were centuries ago,"Love one another" and may your God and mine Bless this nation. Make it a Merry Christmas season of sharing and love.

Edmonds Ferry to Kingston

Edmonds Ferry to Kingston