We had our family gathering last Sunday it was wonderful having almost everyone here twenty-two and growing... The food was wonderful but we had way too much, my children have taken to bringing their own containers with them so they can have some of the left overs this works out real well and they always leave enough for us old folks. Christmas eve we go to Karol's and brunch will be here Christmas morning. I make eggs Benedict, Jerry will do waffles and we will have stick-buns and sausages and fruit the last Christmas meal before we diet. After all that excitement we have to get packing for our trip to the Islands for two weeks of fun in the sun. I have my wall piece quilted and ready to bead which s what I do on vacation. So I'll not be on the web for two weeks, Ernie our son will house sit or should I say cat sit, I hope they get along Lilly is the kind of cat when someone is around she disappears especially when the kids are here; Ernie may never see her she is such a spooky cat, jumps out of her skin at the tiniest noise. I have been scratched several times when she has heard something and jumped out of my lap leaving scratch marks on my legs, she really flies. So for now have a Happy Christmas I am going to bed before mid-night. Well I am going to try.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas is almost here
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thanksgiving Day 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The talk at the Kitsap guild went very well
The guild is a wonderful group of ladies and gents, they are very productive and have many avenues for their members to do charity work the library is extensive and they are very friendly. It was a pleasure visiting them and they were very attentive and friendly....Oh and by the way if you love fabric beautiful fabrics of many types drop into the local quilt shop, Heirloom Quilts; oh my gosh what a selection of wonderful colors and prints a ventral candy store for a quilters eye...Well done ladies well done. Of course I dropped a bundle and I have already started a new quilt from my booty a special one for one of my deer hunting sons...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Well my quilts are packed and ready to tavel
We are going to the Kitsap Quilters the 15th and I get to share my collection with kindred spirits what a great life I have. I will be showing thirty quilts and then for fun I will show some of my own creations...Then on Saturday the 19th we will be at the Gig Harbor History Museum for a short talk at 1pm if you are in town please drop by. After my talk I will be selling raffle tickets for the Gig Harbor Quilters Guild they have made the most beautiful quilt this year and I plan one winning this one for sure...Well I am not lucky so your chances are really good to win so come on down and buy a ticket you know it only takes one to win, but I will sell you as many as you want. I hope to see many friends Saturday until then Be Happy. The picture above is my last finished quilt I call it "Sunset on the Hood" It has a green velvet binding and a row of beads on the botton. The picture does not do it justice.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I was there when he was born C-section delivery, I was the first to see him and the first to hold him, he was a beautiful ten pound boy his mother was so happy he was finally there, she had a rough time what with a frank breach and trying to pass a kidney stone at the same time she was exhausted, but her voice sang when she saw him she reached for him we rested him on her chest so that she could touch him, but there was to much going on and she needed to be closed up. I held the honor of showing him to our waiting little family we all touched and greeted him. He came into a loving family, we all stood by him as he grew, we all loved him because to us he was very special he was our Jamers.We all thanked God for his good health and strong cry--Later I held him up to the Lord and dedicated him to the world praying that he would be of strong spirit and grow to be a man of integrity. That was twenty-nine years ago and today was his birthday he is a strong young man looking to the future ready to begin a new life and I am proud of him. Happy Birthday James
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Well the Museum Quilt Show has opened WOW
It is a great show with so much to see and enjoy, yes there are several of my quilts but the variety is wonderful. I charged my phone but did not charge my camera and wouldn't you know it was dead, so my pictures will have to follow later. Oh and by the way the Westsound Quilt Guild's show opens tomorrow at the fairgrounds in Silverdale, this is a dedicated group of quilters who each year put on one of the best Shows around. I will be there tomorrow all day, I hope to see you all there. This "Quilt-a-holic" is planning on getting her quilt fix this week and I am planning on enjoying every minute of it.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Gig Harbor Museum's new show opens Oct 22nd Artistry of Quilts
I encourage everyone to attend it will be very interesting to see quilting and the artestry of the makers from the early 1800's to today's contemporary art quilts. Come one, come all it is going to be a really great show...yes I do have a couple of quilts in it. One I would like to share with you, it is very special to me. My grand daughter Katie Darville age seven made her first quilt without any direction. It was after she came for a visit. She always shops for fabric for her dolls when she visits, but this time when she got home she made a quilt; then called me very excited because she had to tell me about her first quilt. I could not wait to see it and it is a work of art. I loved it so I purchased a shadow box picture frame and framed it...That is when Daddy claimed it. Well one can not disagree with Daddy so the quilt hangs in their living room but I was able to pursuade them to let me show it at the Museum...It is fun to watch peoples faces when they see it for the first time...So do come to the show you will not be dissappointed.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I remember the October moon
October came so fast, now the nights are getting so dark, each evening the dark creeps in a bit earlier. Those lovely sunsets are slipping into night before I am ready to sit down and enjoy them. The rain has put out all the wild fires so the air is clear and the red skies are gone. While pondering the dark evenings I remembered the October moon and how spectacular it can be. The Harvest Moon speaks to my soul some how it seems to be calling me to dance. How many know what I mean? I will be looking for it to light the nights sky, because it speaks to my prim evil soul, I love watching it rise. I wrote this poem about the moon I hope you all enjoy it. I have to admit somewhere deep inside there is a mystical call for me to dance; yes that glorious golden moon somehow stirs me to want to dance naked in its glow. Imagine that, how many know what I am talking about? How many actually did dance naked in the moon light?
The Moon
I stand alone in the dark
The evenings chill pierces my bones
I wait for the moon’s healing light
As a golden glow softens the night sky
Silhouettes of trees announce the moon
Its golden orb rises lighting the night sky
The night’s dark mystery broken by its glow
From the beginning of memory
The moons beauty like a surprise
Comes into view wondrous and new
The mysterious glow inspires dark tales
Stories told by fires light
Tales of mysterious people
Legends of the evil lurking in the night
The mystical moon inspires both dark and light
Tales of fear and moon struck lovers
Poets tell of love by golden moon light
The heart speaks of love and nighttime delights
The beauty of the moon stirs sweet memories
I watch its golden glow, as it settles my soul
I found love under the moons gossamer glow
Hidden in my heart sweet memories stir my blood
Memories that warms the dark of lonely nights
Tonight I rest in the moons healing light
I seek its glow to refresh my aging soul
I remember our dance so long ago
We danced under the moons golden light
We fell in love under its spell
The Moon
I stand alone in the dark
The evenings chill pierces my bones
I wait for the moon’s healing light
As a golden glow softens the night sky
Silhouettes of trees announce the moon
Its golden orb rises lighting the night sky
The night’s dark mystery broken by its glow
From the beginning of memory
The moons beauty like a surprise
Comes into view wondrous and new
The mysterious glow inspires dark tales
Stories told by fires light
Tales of mysterious people
Legends of the evil lurking in the night
The mystical moon inspires both dark and light
Tales of fear and moon struck lovers
Poets tell of love by golden moon light
The heart speaks of love and nighttime delights
The beauty of the moon stirs sweet memories
I watch its golden glow, as it settles my soul
I found love under the moons gossamer glow
Hidden in my heart sweet memories stir my blood
Memories that warms the dark of lonely nights
Tonight I rest in the moons healing light
I seek its glow to refresh my aging soul
I remember our dance so long ago
We danced under the moons golden light
We fell in love under its spell
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
It rained all day today I keep looking for the sun
Seems like Fall/winter dropped in suddenly and is planning on staying, this is the first year I am already looking forwards to going south, I stayed in all day we canned plums and I made another batch of apple butter. The pears are picked but they are not ready to can, they are beautiful this year so big but so far not ready. Canning is something I look forwards to it is one of those seasonal duty's that prepare you for the coming winter. I love to have my jars all lined up on the counter I leave them there for a turn so I can enjoy them when I finally do put them away I always set them up in my pantry like little soldier's on review. Jerry brought home a flat of strawberries, the Green Store had them on sale, so tomorrow I will do strawberry jam. I like to give our canned treasures in a basket at Christmas to family and friends we also do Carmel corn by the bucket.
What am I doing thinking about Christmas already, I really do start early because of all our grand children I have a special Armour that I collect gifts in all year long; I call it Grandma's mystery closet. It always peaks the children's curiosity.
Our youngest Katie turned 8 this last week end and I realized we are almost out of little ones the years fly by so fast. Our oldest grand-daughter is in the hospital with major complications in her pregnancy(please send healing prays for Toby and Baby Payton their lives are in danger the baby is not due until Dec 17th) For now the Baby is doing fine but Mom is not doing good at all; the water has broken and she is bleeding heavily I fear for her and the baby. Toby is the grand-daughter who just ten months ago was in a horrific auto accident. Her pelvis was broken in 3 places and ribs broken they had to use the jaws of life to get her out of the car. They did not think she would survive. Now here she is again struggling for her life.
There is always some thing going on in a family as large as ours; I had no idea I would have so many grandchildren it gets bumpy at times but the joys are always with us I love them all so very much and wish I could make their lives better but they have to grow on their own, learn by their own mistakes and grow strong.
We did it, there were times when I did not think I would survive but I did and with the lesson, I grew stronger and now I am the wise "old" matriarch of my family and I am so proud of all of them.
Tomorrow after the strawberries I will get back to my quilting I have to get my Civil war quilt finished and some crafting done for the Northwest Crafters show. I am also giving two lectures this Oct/Nov on my quilts it is always so much fun I love to talk about my quilts and tell their stories.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
APWQ meeting today
This years show was wonderful, being a part of it is a real honor. If you were not able to attend you missed the best show in the west--Having a show every year is a big job nothing gets done without good stronge leadership we are in the process of getting the board together we still need some key poeple to keep this wonderful show up and running. So I am calling all intersted parties come join the fun, and what an honor
to be a part of this APWQ Quilts show, and just think next year could be even better.
to be a part of this APWQ Quilts show, and just think next year could be even better.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
So many women and people to talk to, it was incredible, there were some snafus but they were little compared to the beauty and the impact of see such beautiful quilts, there were so many different kinds exquisitely shown the venue was great the three days I spent there were exhausting but I would not trade a minute. No I did not win a ribbon but I did get to go to the party and that is a big deal in our quilt world.
The women I met and talked to were so nice, we really are a sisterhood with a few good men. I felt like I was part of something wonderful. I feel we all did.
Congratulations to Elizabeth and Peggy you did a great job, with the help of so many volunteers and a hard working board it turned out great. Thank you all so much, next year is not so far away so if you are at all interested in joining the board, do let someone know we will need you.
The women I met and talked to were so nice, we really are a sisterhood with a few good men. I felt like I was part of something wonderful. I feel we all did.
Congratulations to Elizabeth and Peggy you did a great job, with the help of so many volunteers and a hard working board it turned out great. Thank you all so much, next year is not so far away so if you are at all interested in joining the board, do let someone know we will need you.
Home from camping
We camped on at the mouth of the Sekiu river on the furthest most tip of
Washington on the Straits of Juan De Fuca brrrrr it is cold in the shadows but the sun was out everyday and we had such a wonderful time My Son lives there and I played cribbage with him and my grandson we walked on the beach and talked we eat, fresh crab and salmon lots of conversation and to top it off my Niece and her husband came up Yahoo it was so nice to see them...When we are up there agate hunting is my favorite thing to do and I went every day the agates were few and far between but I did get some really nice ones, they are all polished up and in my jar of memories of Sekiu I love to look at them and for me they are like diamonds, they are one of my special treasures.. along with my family and grandchildren. I am a happy woman..
Washington on the Straits of Juan De Fuca brrrrr it is cold in the shadows but the sun was out everyday and we had such a wonderful time My Son lives there and I played cribbage with him and my grandson we walked on the beach and talked we eat, fresh crab and salmon lots of conversation and to top it off my Niece and her husband came up Yahoo it was so nice to see them...When we are up there agate hunting is my favorite thing to do and I went every day the agates were few and far between but I did get some really nice ones, they are all polished up and in my jar of memories of Sekiu I love to look at them and for me they are like diamonds, they are one of my special treasures.. along with my family and grandchildren. I am a happy woman..
Friday, September 30, 2011
Speaking to your soul
How does one do that? The process is so simple and yet so many do not know how to access their own inner being, their "soul" so to speak. It starts with finding a place where you can sit and let your mind wander and that is just what it does at first. They call it monkey mind and we all have it; your mind runs a muck bouncing off one thought after another. It takes time to learn how to control the monkey mind. time to open your soul to self. Once you put that monkey away and allow your true feelings and thoughts to come out the magic happens. Yes I am talking about the magic again, we all have access to it, yet so many never understand the wonder of meditation and what it does to self, how it strengthens you and stabilizes your well- being. Through meditation we find our inner most feelings and needs and we are able to get them into prospective. We grow and become better able to handle the slings and arrows of life, and we are able to set our goals and be positive about who we are.
Now there is a danger here, if you are so insecure and you do not love yourself you could drag yourself down and slip into a pity party from which you tell yourself you are not good enough. That is self in flicking doubt and it will just drag you down further. Just stop it, when those negative thoughts come in speak out loud "Stop it" claim victory over self doubt push it out of your thoughts, Say it out loud; I am a worthy person and "I will succeed" "I will be okay" "I will get stronger", say it out loud if necessary. Stand in front of the mirror and say it until you know in your heart, you are okay. Once you have over come the dragon you will be able to control the monkey mind and begin the healing process with in. One must cleanse self and go into meditation loving self. The key is to remember is, you are okay and worthy of respect.
I found getting the monkey mind under control gets easier each time I seek the quiet space. I listen to the birds and I try to count how many I hear; soon the monkey is gone and my mind slips into a healing mode.
The quiet and the soft breeze sooths my soul and I drift into a mystical state of consciousness and that is where I find my inner soul speaking to me. I can not really explain it but those quiet times strengthens me and do wonders for my well being. I am a better person because of the silence I find in those quiet times. I grow stronger and I hear my inner voice speak to me. The quiet opens up my heart and I hear "my still small voice speak to me" I hear Gods whisper and I know he guides my every step.
Now there is a danger here, if you are so insecure and you do not love yourself you could drag yourself down and slip into a pity party from which you tell yourself you are not good enough. That is self in flicking doubt and it will just drag you down further. Just stop it, when those negative thoughts come in speak out loud "Stop it" claim victory over self doubt push it out of your thoughts, Say it out loud; I am a worthy person and "I will succeed" "I will be okay" "I will get stronger", say it out loud if necessary. Stand in front of the mirror and say it until you know in your heart, you are okay. Once you have over come the dragon you will be able to control the monkey mind and begin the healing process with in. One must cleanse self and go into meditation loving self. The key is to remember is, you are okay and worthy of respect.
I found getting the monkey mind under control gets easier each time I seek the quiet space. I listen to the birds and I try to count how many I hear; soon the monkey is gone and my mind slips into a healing mode.
The quiet and the soft breeze sooths my soul and I drift into a mystical state of consciousness and that is where I find my inner soul speaking to me. I can not really explain it but those quiet times strengthens me and do wonders for my well being. I am a better person because of the silence I find in those quiet times. I grow stronger and I hear my inner voice speak to me. The quiet opens up my heart and I hear "my still small voice speak to me" I hear Gods whisper and I know he guides my every step.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Family and friends are really the frosting of life
I have lived in Gig Harbor for forty five years, for some, that is a Life time, yet it seems like just yesterday when I drove from California to Gig Harbor with my car packed with children and pets and the wonder of it all. Crossing the old narrows bridge was a thrill, we stepped into a new world from the bustle of California suburbs to the quiet woods of the Harbor. There was one flashing red stop light in the Harbor and no one sold corn tortas. We were a taco loving family and no taco's or burrito well I could not believe it; so the search was on. I worked it out with my sister and she mailed them to us until I was able to find a dealer, I had to learn to make my own salsa and I made it by the quart. My children now laugh about it and they call our first summer here the Burrito Summer. When I found the farm and the "very small and old house" I knew it was right. I dug in and said this was where I wanted to raise our children, their father laughed and could not figure why I wanted it, but he did buy it for me. I had found my house on a Hill; it had a 1/4 miles dirt road down to pavement and the bus, we were isolated and I loved it. Alone on our hill, no neighbor children, no neighbors at all the only children that came to play were invited, it was great. My children grew strong and healthy, we had a horse, a pony and two steers, rabbits and our dogs. My broken heart from leaving my family slowly healed and we established our home in Gig Harbor. This September we will celebrate forty years in this house, "our new home " we built it right next door to the very little original old farm house so by selling the old farm house we had neighbors. Highway 16 was not there and getting out off Goodnough Dr to go to church on Sunday evenings was a nightmare the old two lane Hwy 16 was always bumper to bumper on Fridays and Sunday evenings kind of like it is now. Gig Harbor has changed a lot and my family has grown, we have had so many happy years spent on my Hill, and so many changes.
I confess I pretend I am still on this hill by ourselves, when I look out the window in the morning and see the Olympic mountains my heart still flutters with joy, I love this property I am so happy I was able to raise my children on our hill and I will be here until the end.
1985 Jerry moved in and this place finally became a home he loves it as much as I do. It was a sad house that needed care, he made it into a home warm, and full of love. Moving or down sizing is out of the question, it would be a nightmare, Jerry and I are collectors of stuff the house and it's five bedrooms are full and Jerry has a two story barn; no we are here to stay. I suspect it will in the end look like one of those old homesteads over grown with rambles and I will be stumbling around the yard chasing gophers in my robe and Jerry will be in the house watching the television asleep. Just a couple of old lovers waiting for God.Monday, September 19, 2011
The change in the weather has really hit me
My goodness I was just getting into summer and bang it is cold and damp again, what happened to our lovely September Indian summer, September is usually my favorite month because of the cool evenings and bright sunny days. This has been a dreary year when it comes to the weather seemed like it was only summer for three weeks and now it is cold and wet. I am not ready for the cold weather, No, the year has been different from my prospective I looked at my Flowers and some never even got going and others that usually do not did well my tomatoes were small and distorted shapes the apples are doing really good and my pears are wonderful and I usually do not get any to speak of. It has been a different year weather wise, has anyone else noticed this change or am I the only one. I have gotten out my knee high stockings because my feet are getting cold so I guess the shorts will soon be stuck away until we go south, I am already looking forwards to doing just that. My daughter's cancer scare has resolved she did have some but it was contanined to one area, so it will be every four months check up for her from now on she has that soft fair skin of her paternal Grandmother and so she is vonerable to skin cancer. So dear friends what ever you do , get checked regularly it is very important.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
2011 Sikiu Camp out
We camped on at the mouth of the Sekiu River on the furthest most tip of
Washington on the Straits of Juan De Fuca burr it is cold in the shadows but the sun was out everyday and we had such a wonderful time My Son lives there and I played cribbage with him and my grandson we walked on the beach and talked we eat, fresh crab and salmon lots of conversation and to top it off my Niece and her husband came up Yahoo it was so nice to see them...When we are up there agate hunting is my favorite thing to do and I went every day the agates were few and far between but I did get some really nice ones, they are all polished up and in my jar of memories of Sekiu. I love to look at them and for me they are like diamonds, they are one of my special treasures, along with my family and grandchildren. I am a happy woman
James--Steven & Jerry--Our Gang - Priscilla and Jim with us
We had such a wonderful time in Sekiu with my Son and his Son James
Washington on the Straits of Juan De Fuca burr it is cold in the shadows but the sun was out everyday and we had such a wonderful time My Son lives there and I played cribbage with him and my grandson we walked on the beach and talked we eat, fresh crab and salmon lots of conversation and to top it off my Niece and her husband came up Yahoo it was so nice to see them...When we are up there agate hunting is my favorite thing to do and I went every day the agates were few and far between but I did get some really nice ones, they are all polished up and in my jar of memories of Sekiu. I love to look at them and for me they are like diamonds, they are one of my special treasures, along with my family and grandchildren. I am a happy woman
James--Steven & Jerry--Our Gang - Priscilla and Jim with us
We had such a wonderful time in Sekiu with my Son and his Son James
Monday, August 29, 2011
After glow from the Pacific West quilt Show in Tacoma--Wow
Wow is all I can say it was a wonderful show, the quilts were exquisite the best I have ever seen, but the best part was working with and meeting so many wonderful people, you see volunteers made the show, as a Association member we were the glue that made it work, being the first one in Tacoma there were some bumps they were little compared to the beauty and greatness of the show, it was the best. Elizabeth Spanning deserves a hand for doing so much to make it all happen she was the whip, the glue the support for all of us who did our best to fill all the spots that needed covering, she deserves a yahoo from all of us. My Dragon Vest made it to the show but no ribbon the winners were over the top I feel special just having mine stand with the winners I feel like a winner. Congratulations to all the winners and all that stood with them the judges had a big job there were so many who should have had a ribbon but not enough catagories, just being in the show made you feel like a winner, yahoo to everyone who helpped to make it a great show. Thank you to all who helpped to make it happen. Happiness is getting to know Lynn I hope we stay connected
Thursday, August 4, 2011
No matter how hard you try - know there is always someone to put you down
The important thing is how you handle it, I mean the slings and arrows aimed at your ego, the put downs and general rudeness towards you, it could even be ignoring you they are all aimed at you and they all hurt...I usually ignore the little digs or put downs but today they went straight to my core. I had two today.
The first one just made me mad, I was ready to cut the ties walk away but I reasoned to not do anything and just wait, Acouple of weeks ago told my granddaughter to just walk away when someone is trying to pick a fight, nothing is worth the energy lost in conflict, just turn away. Believe me it is not easy but in the long run it is the best and only thing to do.
I basiclly got over the first one and bang again broadsided by direct and general rudeness, I could not believe it. It was a true insult, I could have made an issue of it but my heart said no;" when things go wrong do not go with them " Old saying of mine so I walked away. It takes time to get over a direct insult, this is something I will have to work on. It made me both mad and ready to fight so I just walked away, seathing and it was not easy walking away from a situation I did practice what I preach. For me it will take sometime for me to forget but I do forgive both parties.
My soul is the only thing I can not control, wouldn't it be nice if everybody loved and cared about you and your needs. Yes, wouldn't it be lovely.
The first one just made me mad, I was ready to cut the ties walk away but I reasoned to not do anything and just wait, Acouple of weeks ago told my granddaughter to just walk away when someone is trying to pick a fight, nothing is worth the energy lost in conflict, just turn away. Believe me it is not easy but in the long run it is the best and only thing to do.
I basiclly got over the first one and bang again broadsided by direct and general rudeness, I could not believe it. It was a true insult, I could have made an issue of it but my heart said no;" when things go wrong do not go with them " Old saying of mine so I walked away. It takes time to get over a direct insult, this is something I will have to work on. It made me both mad and ready to fight so I just walked away, seathing and it was not easy walking away from a situation I did practice what I preach. For me it will take sometime for me to forget but I do forgive both parties.
My soul is the only thing I can not control, wouldn't it be nice if everybody loved and cared about you and your needs. Yes, wouldn't it be lovely.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Association of Pacific West Quilters 2011 Quilt Show is coming Yahoo
Yes everybody the really big show is coming this August 25th, 26th 27th and 28th--Thats right in Tacoma Washington so mark your calenders and call up your friends - come have some fun with other quilters. If you volunteer for some floor time or other helping hand your entry fee is free so get crack-en we are going to have A REALLY GREAT SHOW THIS YEAR , you do not want to miss it. Go to our Web Site APWQ and sign up for a great time and fellowship, also check out the Saturday mini classes they are going to be great little bits of insight and techniques to take home and try.....See you there.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Camping with some of our gang
Sam's first cribbage game |
Hailey talking to Mom and Katie |
Wyatts set and lit his first fire |
Do we get seconds |
Leader of the pack |
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